class, missing_state_indicator=-1, cell_meta=None, character_meta=None, priors=None, tree=None, dissimilarity_map=None, parameters=None, root_sample_name=None)[source]#

Basic tree object for Cassiopeia.

This object stores the key attributes and functionalities a user might want for working with lineage tracing experiments. At its core, it stores three main items - a tree, a character matrix, and meta data associated with the data.

The tree can be fed into the object via Ete3, Networkx, or can be inferred using one of the CassiopeiaSolver algorithms in the solver module. The tree here is only used for obtaining the _topology_ of the tree.

A character matrix can be stored in the object, containing the states observed for each cell. In typical lineage tracing experiments, these are integer representations of the indels observed at each unique cut site. We track both an unmodified version of the character matrix (obtainable via the get_original_character_matrix method) that does not maintain consistency with the character states of the leaves, and a working character matrix (obtainable via the get_current_character_matrix method) that is updated when the character states of leaves are changed.

Some reconstruction algorithms will make use of dissimilarities between cells. To this end, we store these dissimilarity maps in the CassiopeiaTree class itself. For users trying to diagnose the reconstruction accuracy with a known groundtruth, they can compare this dissimilarity map to the phylogenetic distance on the tree.

Meta data for cells or characters can also be stored in this object. These items can be categorical or numerical in nature. Common examples of cell meta data are the cluster identity, tissue identity, or number of target-site UMIs per cell. These items can be used in downstream analyses, for example the FitchCount algorithm which infers the number of transitions between categorical variables (e.g., tissues). Common examples of character meta data are the proportion of missing data for each character or the entropy of states. These are good statistics to have for feature selection.

TODO(rzhang): Add check upon initialization that input tree is valid tree. TODO(mattjones315): Add experimental meta data as arguments. TODO(mattjones315): Add utility methods to compute the colless index

and the cophenetic correlation wrt to some cell meta item

TODO(mattjones315): Add bulk set_states method. TODO(mattjones): Add boolean to get_tree_topology which will include

all attributes (e.g., node times)

character_matrix Optional[DataFrame] (default: None)

The character matrix for the lineage.

missing_state_indicator int (default: -1)

An indicator for missing states in the character matrix.

cell_meta Optional[DataFrame] (default: None)

Per-cell meta data

character_meta Optional[DataFrame] (default: None)

Per-character meta data

priors Optional[Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]] (default: None)

A dictionary storing the probability of each character mutating to a particular state.

tree Union[str, TreeNode, DiGraph, None] (default: None)

A tree for the lineage.

dissimilarity_map Optional[DataFrame] (default: None)

An NxN dataframe storing the pairwise dissimilarities between samples.

root_sample_name Optional[str] (default: None)

The name of the sample to treat as the root. This is not always used, but will be added if needed during tree reconstruction. If the user already has a sample in the character matrix or dissimilarity map that they would like to use as the phylogenetic root, they can specify it here.


populate_tree(tree, layer=None)[source]#

Populates a tree object in CassiopeiaTree.

Accepts a tree topology and introduces the topology into the object. In doing so, this function will also append character states to the leaves of the tree topology, if possible, and instantiate edge lengths by default to be length 1. Node times will be instantiated as well, corresponding to their tree depth.

tree Union[str, TreeNode, DiGraph]

A tree topology specified as a networkx DiGraph, a newick string, or an ete3 Tree.

layer Optional[str] (default: None)

Layer to use for character matrix. If this is None, then the current character_matrix variable will be used.

Return type:


property layers: Layers#

Dictionary object storing versions of character matrices.

Layers in this CassiopeiaTree object are inspired by AnnData’s layers functionality. All layers have the same number of samples as the tree and character_matrix.

Return the layer named “missing”::


Create or replace the “merged” layer::

cas_tree.layers[“merged”] = …

Delete the “missing” layer::

del cas_tree.layers[“missing”]

property character_matrix: DataFrame#
set_character_states_at_leaves(character_matrix=None, layer=None)[source]#

Populates character states at leaves.

Assigns character states to the leaves of the tree. This function must have a character state assignment to all leaves of the tree. If no argument is passed, the default character_matrix is used to set character states at the leaves.

character_matrix Union[DataFrame, Dict, None] (default: None)

A separate character matrix to use for setting character states at the leaves. This character matrix is not stored in the object afterwards. If this is None, uses the default character matrix stored in character_matrix

layer Optional[str] (default: None)

Layer to use for resetting character information at leaves. If this is None, uses the default character matrix stored in character_matrix.


CassiopeiaTreeError if not all leaves are accounted for or if the – tree has not been initialized.

Return type:


set_all_character_states(character_state_mapping, add_layer=None)[source]#

Populates character states across the tree.

Assigns character states to all of the nodes in the tree. The mapping must have an entry for every node in the tree.

character_state_mapping Dict[str, List[int]]

A mapping containing character state assignments for every node

add_layer Optional[str] (default: None)

Layer to which to add the new character matrix. If this is None, then the specified character matrix will be set to the default matrix in this object.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized or if the – character_state_mapping does not contain assignments for every node.

Return type:



Freezes character matrix in specified layer.

Adds a new layer the CassiopeiaTree object corresponding to the current version of the character matrix.

add_layer str

Layer to create.

  • CassiopeiaTreeError if no character matrix exists to freeze.

  • CassiopeiaTreeWarning if layer already exists.

property parameters: DataFrame#

Resets the parameters attribute on the tree.

property n_cell: int#

Returns number of cells in tree.

  • CassiopeiaTreeError if the object is empty (i.e. no tree or

  • character matrix).

property n_character: int#

Returns number of characters in character matrix.

  • CassiopeiaTreeError if the object is empty (i.e. no tree or

  • character matrix) or if the character states have not been

  • initialized.

property root: str#

Returns root of tree.


The root.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

property leaves: List[str]#

Returns leaves of tree.


The leaves of the tree.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

property internal_nodes: List[str]#

Returns internal nodes in tree (including the root).


The internal nodes of the tree (i.e. all nodes not at the leaves)


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

property nodes: List[str]#

Returns all nodes in tree.


All nodes of the tree (internal + leaves)


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

property edges: List[Tuple[str, str]]#

Returns all edges in the tree.


All edges of the tree.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Returns whether or not the node is a leaf.

Return type:



Whether or not the node is a leaf.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Returns whether or not the node is the root.

Return type:



Whether or not the node is the root.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Returns whether or not the node is an internal node.

Return type:



Whether or not the node is an internal node (i.e. out degree is greater than 0). In this case, the root is considered an internal node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Returns whether the node is ambiguous.

This is detected by checking if any of the characters are tuples.

node str

Name of the node to check if it has ambiguous character(s)

Return type:



True if the node is ambiguous, False otherwise.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Only retain unique characters for ambiguous nodes.

Ambiguous nodes have character strings represented as a list of tuples of integers. The inner list may contain multiple of the same states, encoding the relative abundance of a certain state in the ambiguous state distribution. Calling this function removes such duplicates and only retains unique characters. This function is idempotent and does nothing for trees that have no ambiguous characters.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:


resolve_ambiguous_characters(resolve_function=<function resolve_most_abundant>)[source]#

Resolve all nodes with ambiguous characters.

A custom resolve_function may be provided to perform the resolution. By default, the most abundant state is selected. One is randomly selected on ties. Modifies the tree in-place.

resolve_function Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], int] (default: <function resolve_most_abundant at 0x7ff88089fe50>)

Function that performs character resolution. This function is called once per ambiguous character state, and thus takes a single integer tuple as its argument and returns the resolved character state.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:



Reconstruct ancestral character states.

Reconstructs ancestral states (i.e., those character states in the internal nodes) using the Camin-Sokal parsimony criterion (i.e., irreversibility). Operates on the tree in place.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:



Gets the parent of a node.

node str

A node in the tree

Return type:



The parent of the node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized.


Gets the children of a given node.

node str

A node in the tree.

Return type:



A list of nodes that are direct children of the input node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized.

reorder_children(node, child_order)[source]#

Reorders the children of a particular node.

node str

Node in the tree

child_order List[str]

A list with the new order of children for the node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the node of interest is a leaf that has not – been instantiated, or if the new order of children is not a permutation of the original children.

Return type:


set_time(node, new_time)[source]#

Sets the time of a node.

Importantly, this maintains consistency with the rest of the tree. In other words, setting the time of a particular node will change the length of the edge leading into the node and the edges leading out. This function requires monotonicity of times are maintained (i.e. no negative branch lengths).

node str

Node in the tree

new_time float

New time for the node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized, if the new – time is less than the time of the parent, or if monotonicity is not maintained.

Return type:



Sets the time of all nodes in the tree.

Importantly, this maintains consistency with the rest of the tree. In other words, setting the time of all nodes will change the length of the edges too. This function requires monotonicity of times are maintained (i.e. no negative branch lengths).

time_dict Dict[str, float]

Dictionary mapping nodes to their time.

  • CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized, or if the time

  • of any parent is greater than that of a child.

Return type:



Gets the time of a node.

Returns the time of a node, defined as the sum of edge lengths from the root to the node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:



Gets the times of all nodes.

Returns the times of all nodes, defined as the sum of edge lengths from the root to that node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:

Dict[str, float]

set_branch_length(parent, child, length)[source]#

Sets the length of a branch.

Adjusts the branch length of the specified parent-child relationship. This procedure maintains the consistency with the rest of the times in the tree. Namely, by changing the branch length here, it will change the times of all the nodes below the parent of interest, relative to the difference between the old and new branch length.

parent str

Parent node of the edge

child str

Child node of the edge

length float

New edge length


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized, if the edge – does not exist, or if the edge length is negative.

Return type:



Sets the length of multiple branches on a tree.

Adjusts the branch length of specified parent-child relationships. This procedure maintains the consistency with the rest of the times in the tree. Namely, by changing branch lengths here, it will change the times of all the nodes in the tree such that the times are representative of the new branch lengths.


A dictionary of edges to updated branch lengths


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:


get_branch_length(parent, child)[source]#

Gets the length of a branch.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized or if the – branch does not exist in the tree.

Return type:


set_character_states(node, states, layer=None)[source]#

Sets the character states for a particular node.

node str

Node in the tree

states Union[List[int], List[Tuple[int, ...]]]

A list of states to add to the node.

layer Optional[str] (default: None)

Name of layer to modify. If the layer is not specified, character_matrix is modifed directly.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the character vector is the incorrect length, – or if the node of interest is a leaf that has not been instantiated.

Return type:



Gets all the character states for a particular node.

node str

Node in the tree.

Return type:

Union[List[int], List[Tuple[int, ...]]]


The full character state array of the specified node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

get_all_ancestors(node, include_node=False)[source]#

Gets all the ancestors of a particular node.

Nodes that are closest to the given node appear first in the list. The ancestors, including those of all intermediate nodes, are cached.

node str

Node in the tree

include_node bool (default: False)

Whether or not to include the node itself in the list of ancestors. If True, the first element of the list is the node itself.

Return type:



The list of nodes along the path from the root to the node.

depth_first_traverse_nodes(source=None, postorder=True)[source]#

Nodes from depth first traversal of the tree.

Returns the nodes from a DFS on the tree.

source Optional[str] (default: None)

Where to begin the depth first traversal.

postorder bool (default: True)

Return the nodes in postorder. If False, returns in preorder.

Return type:



A list of nodes from the depth first traversal.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Edges from depth first traversal of the tree.

Returns the edges from a DFS on the tree.

source Optional[str] (default: None)

Where to begin the depth first traversal.

Return type:

Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]


A list of edges from the depth first traversal.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Edges from breadth first traversal of the tree.

Returns the edges from a BFS on the tree.

source Optional[str] (default: None)

Where to begin the breadth first traversal.

Return type:

Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]


A list of edges from the breadth first traversal.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Get leaves in subtree below a given node.


Root of the subtree.

Return type:



A list of the leaves in the subtree rooted at the specified node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

subset_clade(node, copy=False)[source]#

Subset CassiopeiaTree object at node.

Given a node in the CassiopeiaTree, subset the entire tree object to only the nodes that fall below that node.

node str

Node identifier in the object.

copy bool (default: False)

Return a copy or operate in place.

Return type:



A subset CassiopeiaTree object if copy is set to true, else None.


Returns newick format of tree.

record_branch_lengths default: False

Whether to record branch lengths on the tree

string in the newick

Return type:



The tree in the form of a newick string


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Returns the tree in Networkx format.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:



Computes mean depth of tree.

Returns the mean depth of the tree. If branch lengths have not been estimated, depth is by default the number of edges in the tree.

Return type:



Mean depth of the tree.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Computes the maximum depth of the tree (in terms of time).

The maximum depth of the tree (in terms of time) is defined as the greatest time distance of any leaf of the tree from the root. Because branch lengths are by default equal to 1, if branch lengths have not yet been estimated (say with the module), then the max depth will be the number of edges in the tree from root to the furthest leaf.

Return type:



Maximum depth of the tree.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

get_mutations_along_edge(parent, child, treat_missing_as_mutations=False)[source]#

Gets the mutations along an edge of interest.

Returns a list of tuples (character, state) of mutations that occur along an edge. Characters are 0-indexed.

Note that parent states can be ambiguous if all child states have the same ambiguous state. If this is the case, there will not be a mutation detected along an edge, but we handle this case so as to not throw an error handling ambiguous states.

parent str

parent in tree

child str

child in tree

treat_missing_as_mutations bool (default: False)

Whether to treat missing states as mutations.

Return type:

List[Tuple[int, int]]


A list of (character, state) tuples indicating which character

mutated and to which state.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the edge does not exist or if the tree is – not initialized.


Relabels the nodes in the tree.

Renames the nodes in the tree according to the relabeling map. Modifies the tree in-place.

relabel_map Dict[str, str]

A mapping of old names to new names.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized.

Return type:


add_leaf(parent, node, states=None, time=None, branch_length=None, dissimilarity=None)[source]#

Add a leaf to the given parent node.

The parent node may NOT also be a leaf, as this makes bookkeeping the character, dissimilarity and cell meta quite complicated. Also, adding a leaf to an existing leaf is probably not a common use case.

Optional arguments states, time, branch_length, dissimilarity may be provided to initialize the character string, time, branch length, dissimilarity, and cell meta for this leaf respectively. See __register_data_with_tree() for default values that are used when any of these are not provided.

Note that only one of time and branch_length may be provided, and when neither are provided, the new leaf is added at the same time as the parent.

parent str

Parent node, to which to connect the leaf

node str

Name of the leaf to add

states Union[List[int], List[Tuple[int, ...]], None] (default: None)

Character states to initialize the new leaf with

time Optional[float] (default: None)

Time to place the new leaf

dissimilarity Optional[Dict[str, float]] (default: None)

Indel dissimilarity between the new leaf and all other leaves


Cell metadata


CassiopeiaTreeError if parent does not exist or node – already exists, if parent is a leaf, if the tree has not been initialized, or if both time and branch_length are provided.

Return type:



Removes a leaf (leaves) from the tree and prunes the lineage(s).

Removes the specified leaves and all ancestors of those leaves that are no longer the ancestor of any of the remaining leaves. In the context of a phylogeny, this prunes the lineage of all nodes no longer relevant to observed samples. Additionally, maintains consistency with the updated tree by removing the node from all leaf data.

nodes Union[str, List[str]]

The leaf (leaves) to be removed. Can be a single string or a list of strings


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree is not initialized or any of the – input nodes are not leaves

Return type:



Collapses unifurcations on the tree.

Removes all internal nodes that have in degree and out degree of 1, connecting their parent and children nodes by branchs with lengths equal to the total time elapsed from parent to each child. Therefore preserves the times of nodes that are not removed.

source Optional[int] (default: None)

The node at which to begin the tree traversal


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:



Collapses mutationless edges in the tree in-place.

Uses the internal node annotations of a tree to collapse edges with no mutations. The introduction of a missing data event is considered a mutation in this context. Either takes the existing character states on the tree or infers the annotations bottom-up from the samples obeying Camin-Sokal Parsimony. Preserves the times of nodes that are not removed by connecting the parent and children of removed nodes by branches with lengths equal to the total time elapsed from parent to each child.


A networkx DiGraph object representing the tree

infer_ancestral_characters bool

Whether to infer the ancestral characters states of the tree


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized or if – a node does not have character states initialized

Return type:



Gets the dissimilarity map.

Return type:



Sets the dissimilarity map variable in this object.

dissimilarity_map DataFrame

Dissimilarity map relating all N x N distances between leaves.

Return type:



Get the dissimilarity of a single leaf to all other leaves.

node str

Name of the leaf node to get the dissimilarity to/from


CassiopeiaTreeError if the dissimilarity map is not defined or the – provided node is not in the dissimilarity map

Return type:

Dict[str, float]

set_dissimilarity(node, dissimilarity)[source]#

Set the dissimilarity of a single leaf.

This function may be used only when a dissimilarity map already exists.

node str

Name of the leaf node to set the dissimilarity to/from

dissimilarity Dict[str, float]

Dictionary containing other leaf names as keys and dissimilarities as values


CassiopeiaTreeError if the dissimilarity map does not exist, if – the dissimilarity dictionary does not contain all other leaves

Return type:


compute_dissimilarity_map(dissimilarity_function=None, prior_transformation='negative_log', layer=None, threads=1)[source]#

Computes a dissimilarity map.

Given the dissimilarity function passed in, the pairwise dissimilarities will be computed over the samples in the character matrix. Populates the dissimilarity_map attribute in the object.

If any of the leaves have ambiguous character states (detected by checking if any of the states are lists), then cassiopeia.solver.dissimilarity_functions.cluster_dissimilarity() is called instead, with the provided dissimilarity_function as the first argument.

dissimilarity_function Optional[Callable[[array, array, int, Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]], float]] (default: None)

A function that will take in two character vectors and priors and produce a dissimilarity.

prior_transformation str (default: 'negative_log')

A function defining a transformation on the priors in forming weights. Supports the following transformations:

”negative_log”: Transforms each probability by the negative


”inverse”: Transforms each probability p by taking 1/p “square_root_inverse”: Transforms each probability by the

the square root of 1/p

layer Optional[str] (default: None)

Character matrix layer to use. If not specified, use the default character_matrix.

threads int (default: 1)

Number of threads to use for dissimilarity map computation.

Return type:


set_attribute(node, attribute_name, value)[source]#

Sets an attribute in the tree.

node str

Node name

attribute_name str

Name for the new attribute

value Any

Value for the attribute.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:


get_attribute(node, attribute_name)[source]#

Retrieves the value of an attribute for a node.

node str

Node name

attribute_name str

Name of the attribute.

Return type:



The value of the attribute for that node.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the attribute has not been set for this node.

Return type:



Finds LCAs of all (provided) pairs.

pairs Union[Iterator[Tuple[str, str]], List[Tuple[str, str]], None] (default: None)

Pairs of nodes for which to find LCAs. If not provided, LCAs of all pairs are computed. Defaults to None.

Return type:

Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[str, str], str]]


A generator of ((u, v), LCA) tuples.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Finds the LCA of all provided nodes.

Internally, this function calls get_all_ancestors() for each provided node and finds the deepest node that is shared.

*nodes str

Nodes for which to find the LCA. At least two must be provided.

Return type:



The LCA node

  • CassiopeiaTreeError if less than two nodes were provided or if the

  • tree has not been initialized.

get_distance(node1, node2)[source]#

Compute the branch distance between two nodes.

Internally, this function converts the tree to an undirected graph and finds the shortest path by calling nx.shortest_path_length().

node1 str

First node

node2 str

Second node

Return type:



The branch distance between the two nodes


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

get_distances(node, leaves_only=False)[source]#

Compute the distances between the given node and every other node.

Internally, this function converts the tree to an undirected graph and finds the shortest path by calling nx.shortest_path_length().

node str

Node from which to compute distance to all other nodes

leaves_only bool (default: False)

Calculate distances to leaves only and not internal nodes. Defaults to False.

Return type:

Dict[str, float]


Dictionary of distances


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.


Scales the tree to have unit length.

The longest path from root to leaf will have length 1 after the scaling.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the tree has not been initialized.

Return type:


get_unmutated_characters_along_edge(parent, child)[source]#

List of unmutated characters along edge.

A character is considered to not mutate if it goes from the zero state to the zero state.


CassiopeiaTreeError if the edge does not exist or if the tree is – not initialized.

Return type:



Full copy of CassiopeiaTree

Return type:



Impute deducible missing states.

If a state is missing in a node but present in its parent, then it can be imputed as the parent’s state. We perform all these imputations.

  • CassiopeiaTreeError if the character vectors do not all have

  • the same length, or if the tree has not been initialized.