, prior_probabilities=None, num_bootstraps=10, random_state=None)[source]#

Generates bootstrapped character matrices from a character matrix.

Ingests a character matrix and randomly creates bootstrap samples by sampling characters with replacement. Each bootstrapped character matrix, then, retains the same number of characters but some will be repeated and some will be ignored. If a prior proability dictionary is also passed in, then a new priors dictionary will be created for each bootstrapped character matrix.

character_matrix DataFrame

Character matrix

prior_probabilities Optional[Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]] (default: None)

Probabilities of each (character, state) pair.

num_bootstraps int (default: 10)

Number of bootstrap samples to create.

random_state Optional[RandomState] (default: None)

A numpy random state to from which to draw samples

Return type:

List[Tuple[DataFrame, Dict[int, Dict[int, float]]]]


A list of bootstrap samples in the form

(bootstrap_character_matrix, bootstrap_priors).